$lang['Share_Chat_ID'] = "{0001}Share Chat"; $lang['Share_Chat_ID_Anyone'] = "{0002}If you share this link via email, WhatsApp, SMS etc, you won't stay anonymous:"; $lang['Your_Chats'] = "{0003}Your chats"; $lang['Home'] = "{0004}Home"; $lang['Chats'] = "{0005}Chats"; $lang['More_info'] = "{0006}More info"; $lang['Define_name'] = "{0007}Define a name for this chat. This name is only visible to you."; $lang['Rename'] = "{0008}Rename this chat. This name is only visible to you."; $lang['Renameshort'] = "{0009}Rename"; $lang['Renameplaceholder'] = "{00010}e.g. Chat with Joe"; $lang['You_have_to_write'] = "{0011}You have to write something!"; $lang['Sorry_something_wrong'] = "{0012}Sorry, something went wrong."; $lang['use_ID'] = "{0013}Use ID"; $lang['enter_an_id'] = "{0014}Enter the unique ID of a chat that you want to join:"; $lang['8x4letters'] = "{0015}8x4 characters, no letters O or I"; $lang['unnamed'] = "{0016}unnamed"; $lang['Share_the_link'] = "{0017}Share the link to this chat"; $lang['Archive_this_chat'] = "{0018}Archive this chat?"; $lang['This_chat_archived'] = "{0019}This chat will be archived. This chat can always be unarchived later."; $lang['This_chat_archivedshort'] = "{0020}Archive this chat. This can be reverted later."; $lang['UnArchive_this_chat'] = "{0021}Un-archive this chat"; $lang['This_chat_unarchived'] = "{0022}This chat will be un-archived. This chat can always be archived later."; $lang['This_chat_unarchivedshort'] = "{0023}Un-archive this chat. This can be reverted later."; $lang['Really_delete'] = "{0024}Really delete?"; $lang['All_entries_will_be_deleted'] = "{0025}All entries for this chat will be permanently deleted, for everyone! It will be gone!"; $lang['Delete_caution'] = "{0026}Delete this chat. CAUTION, this chat cannot be accessed anymore afterwards!"; $lang['chat_was_created'] = "{0027}Chat was created. Bookmark this page and remember the PIN (accessible anytime via the admin icon): "; $lang['created'] = "{0028}Created:"; $lang['last_comment_from'] = "{0029}Last comment is from"; $lang['updated'] = "{0030}Updated:"; $lang['your_name'] = "{0031}Your name?"; $lang['enter_your_name_first'] = "{0032}Please enter your name to add a comment:"; $lang['your_comment'] = "{0033}your comment?"; $lang['add_comment'] = "{0034}Add comment"; $lang['Open_here'] = "{0035}Open this chat here"; $lang['Save_chat_on_device'] = "{00036}Save"; $lang['No_chats_on_device'] = "{0037}No chats stored on this device."; $lang['Save_chat_on_device_detail'] = "{0038}This chat will be stored on this device in a cookie."; $lang['Save_chat_on_device_short'] = "{0039}Store this chat on this device in a cookie?"; $lang['Start_new_chat'] = "{0040}Start new chat"; $lang['Define_username'] = "{0041}Enter your name. This name is visible for everybody who can see your chats. It will be stored as cookie on this device."; $lang['define_usernameshort'] = "{0042}Your name?"; $lang['define_usernameplaceholder'] = "{0043}e.g. Joe"; $lang['define_usernamehallo'] = "{0044}Hello"; $lang['sessionnotstoredyet1'] = "{0045}The chat with ID"; $lang['sessionnotstoredyet2'] = "{0046}was not yet saved. Click on 'Save' to access it later as well, and to have more options."; $lang['sessionnotstoredyet3'] = "{0047}is part of your archived chats."; $lang['Ignore_this_chat'] = "{0048}Ignore"; $lang['No_entries'] = "{0049}Invite others to this chat with the Share-Icon (above, right)."; $lang['Collapse'] = "{0050}Collapse this chat"; $lang['Open'] = "{0051}Open this chat"; $lang['numberofdayssinceyoulastaccessed'] = "{0052}Number of unread (and possibly unmoderated) comments since you last entered this chat"; $lang['Really_deletelocal'] = "{0053}Really delete?"; $lang['All_entries_will_be_deletedlocal'] = "{0054}This chat will be deleted from this device. Other people with its access link can still see it. You can re-open it later with the correct link (e.g. from the QR code). To remove this chat completely for everyone, you need the administration PIN."; $lang['Delete_cautionlocal'] = "{0055}Delete chat from this device."; $lang['Entermanually'] = "{0056}Enter manually"; $lang['Entermanuallyextended'] = "{0057}Enter the ID of a chat manually, e.g. from a different device."; $lang['Entertemppin'] = "{0058}Enter a temporary code"; $lang['Entertemppinextended'] = "{0059}Enter a temporary 6-digit code which you received from a Chat-Administrator (e.g. via phone)."; $lang['use_temppin'] = "{0060}Use code"; $lang['enter_a_temppin'] = "{0061}Enter the temporary code of an existing chat to participate in the chat:"; $lang['enter_a_temppin5digits'] = "{0062}6 digits"; $lang['chatviapinsuccess'] = "{0063}Have fun in this chat. Remember to save it! If you cannot read anything, it may be encrypted - ask for the password!"; $lang['chatviapinfailed'] = "{0064}Sorry, this temporary code has either expired or is wrong. Note that a temporary code is valid for 5 minutes only."; $lang['Hide_archived'] = "{0065}Hide archived"; $lang['Hide_archived_extended'] = "{0066}Hide archived chats from this list"; $lang['Show_archived'] = "{0067}Show"; $lang['Show_archived_extended'] = "{0068}Also show archived chats in this list"; $lang['This_is_archived_chat'] = "{0069}This chat is archived."; $lang['This_is_active_chat'] = "{0070}This chat is active."; $lang['chatarchived'] = "{0071}This chat was archived. Click on the eye icon at top right to view archived chats."; $lang['chatunarchived'] = "{0072}This chat was restored from the archive."; $lang['chiffredeleted'] = "{0073}The password was removed."; $lang['chiffreset'] = "{0074}The password was set."; $lang['youhavecreatedatemppin'] = "{0075}
You have created a temporary code, which is valid for 5 minutes. Your chat partner should
"; $lang['youcancreatedatemppin'] = "{0076}You can create a temporary six-digit code which is valid for 5 minutes. Tell this code to any visitor who shall join this chat, e.g. by phone."; $lang['youcancreatedatemppincreate'] = "{0077}Create temp. code"; $lang['tempcodethischatencrypted'] = "{0078}Caution! This chat is encrypted - any visitor of this chat needs this password as well (and they have to save the chat first)! Go to the admin-screen to view the password."; $lang['commentreply'] = "{0079}Reply"; $lang['choosefeedback'] = "{0080}Feedback"; $lang['delete_comment'] = "{0081}Delete comment"; $lang['Really_delete_comment'] = "{0082}Really delete?"; $lang['Comment_entry_will_be_deleted'] = "{0083}This item will be permanently deleted, for everyone. This cannot be reverted!"; $lang['Delete_comment_caution'] = "{0084}Delete this item. CAUTION, this item cannot be accessed anymore afterwards!"; $lang['makesticky_comment'] = "{0085}(Un-) Highlight comment"; $lang['makesticky_comment_caution'] = "{0086}Highlight this comment, resp. remove highlighting."; $lang['commentidfixednopermissions'] = "{0087}You need the PIN to highlight the comment."; $lang['commentidfixedokay'] = "{0088}Comment highlighting updated."; $lang['commentidfixederror'] = "{0089}Could not update comment highlighting; technical error."; $lang['clipboard_comment'] = "{0090}Copy comment to clipboard"; $lang['Imprint'] = "{0091}Imprint"; $lang['Site_created'] = "{0092}Site created and operated by"; $lang['Data_privacy'] = "{0093}Data privacy"; $lang['see_statement_here'] = "{0094}See our data privacy statement here."; $lang['chooseuploadfile'] = "{0095}Choose file"; $lang['uploadfile'] = "{0096}Add file"; $lang['uploadfile_attach1'] = "{0097}Attach a file of type jpg, gif, png, mp4, pdf, doc, xls, ppt, txt, zip with less than"; $lang['uploadfile_attach2'] = "{0098}size. Image files will be automatically removed in size before upload. Files will be deleted after one week from the system."; $lang['menuhome'] = "{0099}Home"; $lang['menuhelp'] = "{0100}Help"; $lang['menuchats'] = "{0101}Chats"; $lang['close'] = "{0102}Close"; $lang['attachments'] = "{0103}Add a file"; $lang['moreshareoptions'] = "{0104}More options"; $lang['startnewchatyoucan'] = "{0105}Start a new chat? You can..."; $lang['startnewchatcreatenewroom'] = "{0106}Create a new chat"; $lang['startnewchatcreatenewroomdetails'] = "{0107}This will create a completely new. Share its link (e.g. via QR code) to the people who should join this."; $lang['startnewchatentermanuallydetails'] = "{0108}If you know the ID of an existing chat, enter it here. If that ID does not exist, you will create a new chat instead."; $lang['admin_pinadmin'] = "{0109}PIN Administration"; $lang['admin_youneedapin'] = "{0110}If you know the correct PIN, enter it here:"; $lang['admin_enterthepin'] = "{0111}PIN?"; $lang['admin_savethepin'] = "{0112}Save"; $lang['admin_whichisneeded'] = "{0113}The PIN stored on this device which is needed to administrate this chat is wrong. If you know the correct PIN, enter it here:"; $lang['admin_youhaveavalidpin'] = "{0114}Your PIN is correct:"; $lang['admin_youhaveaninvalidpin'] = "{0115}Your PIN is wrong:"; $lang['admin_changeitifneeded'] = "{0116}This PIN is correct. Delete it from this device if needed:"; $lang['admin_enteranewpinexplain'] = "{0117}You can change it for this chat."; $lang['admin_enteranewpin'] = "{0118}New PIN?"; $lang['admin_updatepin'] = "{019}Update"; $lang['admin_pinneededbecause'] = "{0120}You need the PIN to administrate this chat (delete comments or the entire chat, moderate, lock or encrypt it)."; $lang['admin_actions'] = "{0121}Actions"; $lang['admin_deletechatfromdevice'] = "{0122}Delete this chat from this device"; $lang['admin_deletethischat'] = "{0123}Delete chat"; $lang['admin_deletethischatcompletelybutton'] = "{0114}Delete completely"; $lang['admin_deletethischatcompletely'] = "{0125}Delete this chat completely, for everyone"; $lang['admin_orarchiveit'] = "{0126}archive it"; $lang['admin_lockthischat'] = "{0127}Lock this chat:"; $lang['admin_lockthischatbutton'] = "{0128}Lock"; $lang['admin_lockthischatbuttontitle'] = "{0129}Really lock this chat?"; $lang['admin_lockthischatbuttondetail'] = "{0130}No new comments are possible after locking this chat. Old comments are still visible and can receive feedback. Surveys can still be answered. You can always unlock it afterwards."; $lang['admin_unlockthischat'] = "{0131}Unlock this chat:"; $lang['admin_unlockthischatbutton'] = "{0132}Unlock this chat"; $lang['admin_unlockthischatbuttontitle'] = "{0133}Really unlock this chat?"; $lang['admin_unlockthischatbuttondetail'] = "{0134}New comments are possible again after unlocking this chat. You can always lock it afterwards."; $lang['chatlocked'] = "{0135}This chat is locked. Unlock it with a valid PIN in the administration settings."; $lang['chatunlocked'] = "{0136}This chat is unlocked again. Lock it with a valid PIN in the administration settings."; $lang['admin_unavailableoptions'] = "{0137}The following actions are not available for you due to missing correct PIN:"; $lang['message_updatepinokay'] = "{0138}PIN updated successfully."; $lang['message_updatepinnotokay'] = "{0139}PIN could not be updated. Maybe you entered the wrong current PIN."; $lang['message_pinsavethismachine'] = "{0140}PIN stored on this device."; $lang['chatdeletecorrectpin'] = "{0141}Chat deleted completely, for everyone."; $lang['message_chatdeletewrongpin'] = "{0142}The PIN was incorrect. The chat was only deleted for yourself."; $lang['message_chatdeletedfromdevice'] = "{0143}Chat deleted from this device."; $lang['message_commentiddeleted'] = "{0144}Comment deleted from this chat."; $lang['message_commentiddeletedfailure'] = "{0145}Comment deletion failed - technical error."; $lang['message_commentiddeletednovalidpin'] = "{0146}Comment deletion failed - you need a valid PIN!"; $lang['admin_encryptoldcomments'] = "{0147}Also encrypt old comments?"; $lang['admin_administration'] = "{0148}Administration"; $lang['admin_debuginfo'] = "{0149}Information"; $lang['admin_decryptchiffre'] = "{0150}Decryption"; $lang['admin_cryptchiffreintro'] = "{0151}This chat is encrypted. You need a password to read the comments."; $lang['admin_youneedapassword'] = "{0152}If you know the correct password, enter it here:"; $lang['admin_youhaveapassword'] = "{0153}You have a password."; $lang['admin_passwordwhichisneeded'] = "{0154}c99.chat did not store the correct password and therefore cannot judge if your password is correct."; $lang['admin_cryptchiffre'] = "{0155}Encryption"; $lang['admin_cryptchiffredetails'] = "{0156}You can encrypt this chat."; $lang['admin_cryptchiffreyouhave'] = "{0157}Current password:"; $lang['admin_cryptchiffrechange'] = "{0158}Change it, or delete it if needed:"; $lang['admin_enteranewchiffre'] = "{0159}Password?"; $lang['admin_entercurrentchiffre'] = "{0160}Enter the password which was used for encrypting this chat:"; $lang['admin_updatechiffre'] = "{0161}Change"; $lang['admin_encryptwithchiffre'] = "{0162}Encrypt"; $lang['admin_chiffreneededbecause'] = "{0163}
You can encrypt this chat.You have a valid PIN and therefore can encrypt the comments in this chat with a password. Then everybody who accesses this chat needs this (case-sensitive!) password; otherwise he won't be able to read anything - so pass on this password to the other participants in this chat.
WARNING: This is a one-way road - an encrypted chat cannot be decrypted anymore; it can be read only with the correct password! You cannot reset the chat to 'unencrypted'! Also, automatic translation (if enabled) will not work anymore! You do not need to set an encryption password; if it is not defined, the chat comments will remain unencrypted (we still have a safe TLS connection to the server) and it is sufficient to only share the link to this chat (e.g. via QR code).
"; $lang['admin_decryptchiffreneededbecause'] = "{0165}
This chat is encrypted. You need a password to read the comments.If this chat was encrypted (comments appear garbled), you need a password to decrypt the comments and encrypt your own comments correctly.
"; $lang['admin_definechiffre'] = "{0166}Save"; $lang['pinremoved'] = "{0167}PIN was removed from this device."; $lang['pinnotremoved'] = "{0168}PIN was not removed from this device; technical error!"; $lang['pinreallyremove'] = "{0169}Really delete the PIN from this device?"; $lang['pinreallyremovedetail'] = "{0170}The PIN will be removed from this device (but it will stay valid for the chat). It can be added again anytime."; $lang['chiffrereallyremove'] = "{0171}Really delete the password from this device?"; $lang['chiffrereallyremovedetail'] = "{0172}The password will be removed from this device. It can be added again anytime."; $lang['pinremovemouseover'] = "{0173}Remove PIN from this device"; $lang['passwordremovemouseover'] = "{0174}Remove password from this device"; $lang['thischatisencrypted'] = "{0175}This chat is encrypted. Save the chat and enter the password in the administration within the icons."; $lang['chatencrypted'] = "{0176}This chat was encrypted."; $lang['admin_chatid'] = "{0177}ID:"; $lang['uploadok'] = "{0178}File uploaded. It will be removed after 1 week, unless you have extended the storage duration."; $lang['uploadwrongfiletype'] = "{0179}Filetype is not allowed. Allowed filetypes are jpg, gif, png, mp4, pdf, doc, xls, ppt, txt, zip."; $lang['uploadfiletoobig'] = "{0179}File size is too large. Maximum allowed file size is 4 MB resp 16 MB."; $lang['uploadtechnicalerror'] = "{0180}Upload failed - technical error."; $lang['commenttypefile'] = "{0181}File"; $lang['readuntilhere'] = "{0182}You have read until here when you loaded this page the last time."; $lang['what_is_this'] = "{0183}What is this?"; $lang['what_is_this_detail'] = "{0184}Imagine you want to contact someone (at a party, in a bar, ...), but you do not want to hand out your phone number, email address, street address etc; maybe not even your real name. Or you want to communicate within a group (for a workshop, a meeting, ...), but you do not have all phone numbers or addresses or even names. Maybe you are on the phone with someone and want to share a file.
This site will help: You can create a unique chat which both (or all) of you can access. The only link between you and that person is the link to this chat. This link is unique, impossible to guess and absolutely random."; $lang['how_to_share'] = "{0185}How do I share a chat?"; $lang['how_to_share_detail'] = "{0186}Once you create a chat, use the share icon to share the link to your chat: Show it to that person (or the group) with whom you want to share the chat.
This person should scan this QR code with the phone's camera (or online at qrcodescan.in) and thus can access the chat as well. Then just start typing in the chat.
For sharing via phone, create a temporary code.
You can also create a little printout of the QR code and give it to someone.
To have a short link, you can use a 'URL Shortener' such as Bitly or Short URL. Note that in this case the risk increases that someone just guesses your link."; $lang['how_to_maintain'] = "{0187}How do I maintain the chat?"; $lang['how_to_maintain_detail'] = "{0188}Note that you must save the link to this chat yourself as well. It is automatically stored on your device, but still you should bookmark it. You can share the chat to yourself (via email etc) so you can use it on different devices.
You can also rename the chat so you can add some context information - this name will be visible only for yourself, not to other users who know the link to this chat.
If you want to keep a chat, but don't need it regularly, you can archive (and later un-archive) it - either with the archive icon , or by swiping right in the list.
You can add a comment to it which is visible only to you (in the Admin, by clicking on the ID).

You can lock the chat to disallow any further comments, and of course later unlock it again. You can also moderate the chat so that individual comments need to be approved before becoming visible to everyone (paid feature).
And finally you can delete the chat - it will be permanently deleted so noone has access to it anymore. For this you need the administration PIN which was set (and stored on your device) when you created the chat. Only with this PIN you can execute certain administrative actions. Do this in the administration panel of an (open) chat.
There is some statistics available (for unencrypted chats, or when you have a valid PIN)."; $lang['help_formatting_a_text_headline'] = "{0188}How can I comment?"; $lang['help_formatting_a_text_detail'] = "{0189}Just add your text. You can use the WhatsApp markup rules for formatting. These are:"; $lang['help_formatting_a_text_detailinline_bold'] = "{0190}*bold*"; $lang['help_formatting_a_text_detailinline_italics'] = "{0191}_italics_"; $lang['help_formatting_a_text_detailinline_strike'] = "{0192}~strike~"; $lang['help_formatting_a_text_detailinline_red'] = "{0193}|red|"; $lang['help_formatting_a_text_detailinline_at'] = "{0194}@name"; $lang['help_formatting_a_text_detail2'] = "{0195}You can also upload files. Images will be automatically scaled down before upload (to 1024 pixels maximum width) to save bandwidth and storage space; thus you can directly upload photos from your mobile. Documents in general may not be larger than 4 MB and they will be removed after one week automatically. Only certain document types are allowed."; $lang['help_formatting_a_text_clickoncomment'] = "{0196}Click on a comment to give feedback, respond to it, copy it, highlight or delete it (with a valid PIN). A double tap within the chat window closes the current chat. Orange icons are mostly clickable. Click on 'Help' in den bottom row for extended help."; $lang['help_creatingasurvey'] = "{0197}What about this 'survey'?"; $lang['help_creatingasurveydetail'] = "{0198}Click on the question mark underneath the comment entry form. You can create/maintain a survey from there, which will be visible in the chat. Your visitors can choose between up to 5 possible answers - leave an option empty (except of the first one) if you don't need it.
Additionally define if users can answer (vote) at all - this allows you to set a survey to 'read-only', i.e. close it. Also define if users can vote more than once within a 'session' (meaning as long as their browser is open).
Note that a user can restart his browser or change his name anytime and thus vote several times, even under different names. Therefore do not use this survey tool for critical surveys!"; $lang['help_encryption'] = "{0199}What about this 'encryption'?"; $lang['help_encryptiondetail'] = "{0200}Besides the non-guessable link to your chat, you can additionally protect it with a password which will be used to encrypt all comments. This password will itself be encrypted and stored as a cookie on your device. C99.chat uses the symmetric Advanced Encryption Standard with 128 bit length in counter mode (AES-128-CTR), which is considered secure as of today. Note that the strength of any encryption highly depends on the length and complexity of the used password.
Once you encrypted a chat, there is no way back. Yes, people can read the encrypted comments with the correct password, but you cannot reset a chat to 'unencrypted'.
c99.chat does not know your password. If you forget it or encrypt an already encrypted chat with a wrong password, this chat is lost!
Note that (as of today) no survey entries will be encrypted."; $lang['help_paidfeatures'] = "{0201}What are additional features?"; $lang['help_paidfeaturesdetail'] = "{0202}Some of the features are paid additional features, available via the shopping cart-icon . When you activate such a feature, it is available for the current chat, unlimited in duration. These features are not necessary for this website to work flawlessly, but as I pay money myself (especially for the translation feature), I need to offer these features for a price.
Payments are processed via Stripe, a professional payment network. From each Euro which you pay I will receive roughly 70 Cents (before taxes!).
In any case, I appreciate donations."; $lang['help_notification'] = "{0202}Tell me more about 'notifications'"; $lang['help_notificationdetail'] = "{0203}c99.chat offers a 'push message' service which uses the push messages in browser functionality of modern browsers. As long as you switched on this feature by clicking on the bell icon (top right) and the browser is open, new activities in your chats will be sent as push message to you. This does not work (yet) on Apple iOS devices.
Additionally, you can configure a notification by email : This will send an email to you in which you have to click a link to confirm the address. Then the notification is configured:
If you are not active in a chat for more than 30 seconds, you can receive an email once if there are new comments in your active chats. You will not receive any further emails until you have visited c99.chat at least once (to avoid spamming your email inbox). You can unsubscribe from that notification mechanism directly in the email as well.
There will be no email notifications for archived chats.
If you want to receive push messages to your phone also without the browser, have a look at Pushover, which offers a service of turning emails into push messages."; $lang['help_traceremove'] = "{0204}How do I remove my traces?"; $lang['help_traceremovedetail'] = "{0205}If you are working on a public device or want to ensure that - after your chat - no traces are left on your device, you have two options:

Note that you must remember your chat ID in a different way then; it will be removed from this device. Note also that the chat itself will remain existent; you can completely remove it via the admin icon.
By the way, you can also migrate your data (or back it up) to a different device with the icon just beside it.

"; $lang['help_credits'] = "{0206}Credits"; $lang['help_creditsdetails'] = "{0207}For this website I used some components and libraries made by more skilled programmers than me:"; $lang['help_ihavedeveloped'] = "{0208}I developed this site because I work with new technology in my daytime job (more about me) and I wanted to play around with some new web technologies. Thus this site is free to use, but I'd be glad about any donations:"; $lang['help_creditscreditcard'] = "{0209}(or Credit Card)"; $lang['help_creditrevolut'] = "{0210}Apple Pay, Google Pay, Revolut"; $lang['help_creditspaymentbanktransfer'] = "{0211}SEPA Credit Transfer"; $lang['help_aboutme'] = "{0212}About me"; $lang['help_othersites'] = "{0213}What else?"; $lang['help_othersitesdetails'] = "{0214}I have created a (moderated) chat to accept feature requests, bug reports etc, and also to occasionally announce new features: Click here.

Also check my other websites, e.g. for creating a website yourself (9blox.com), for management of small events (5clicks.net), or running all sorts of repetitive events - e.g. sports trainings or similar (unspontan.com).

I can define a shorter URL for your chat - e.g. something like demo.c99.chat. If you are interested, please contact me."; $lang['help_howcanihelp'] = "{0215}How can I help?"; $lang['help_howcanihelpdetails'] = "{0216}You can help! This website should be available in more languages, so if you speak a language which is not supported yet by c99.chat, please contact me and look here! I have a list of terms and phrases which need to be translated (roughly 540). You will of course be mentioned as translator then..."; $lang['scan_this_qrcode'] = "{0217}Show this QR code to anyone who shall join this chat!"; $lang['or_go_to_with'] = "{0218}Go to c99.chat with this ID:"; $lang['jointhischat'] = "{0219}Join this chat"; $lang['surveytitle'] = "{0220}Survey"; $lang['surveyopen'] = "{0221}Start a survey"; $lang['surveyopenexplain'] = "{0222}In each chat you can create a survey (poll) with up to 5 options which your visitors can answer within the chat."; $lang['surveyopenbutton'] = "{0223}Start/administrate survey"; $lang['surveyintroexplain'] = "{0224}
In each chat you can add a survey which will appear in the chat.
"; $lang['surveyquestion'] = "{0225}State your survey question"; $lang['surveyoption1'] = "{0226}Option 1 of your survey"; $lang['surveyoption2'] = "{0227}Option 2 of your survey"; $lang['surveyoption3'] = "{0228}Option 3 of your survey"; $lang['surveyoption4'] = "{0229}Option 4 of your survey"; $lang['surveyoption5'] = "{0230}Option 5 of your survey"; $lang['surveyuserscanvotetitle'] = "{0231}Users can vote (uncheck this to freeze a survey)"; $lang['surveyuserscanvote'] = "{0232}Users can vote"; $lang['surveyallowmultipletitle'] = "{0233}Allow that one user can vote several times per session (not only once)"; $lang['surveyallowmultiple'] = "{0234}Allow multiple votes per user"; $lang['surveyokay'] = "{0235}Save"; $lang['surveycancel'] = "{0236}Cancel"; $lang['surveyreallyclear'] = "{0237}Really clear votes?"; $lang['surveyreallycleardetail'] = "{0238}Really delete all current votes? Each option will be reset to zero votes. This cannot be undone!"; $lang['surveyclearcurrent'] = "{02039Clear current votes"; $lang['surveytotal'] = "{0240}total."; $lang['surveyclickonanentry'] = "{0241}Click to vote."; $lang['surveyvotingclosed'] = "{0242}Voting is closed"; $lang['surveynumbervotes'] = "{0243}Number of votes:"; $lang['surveynumberwhichis'] = "{0243}, which is"; $lang['surveyvotedalready'] = "{0244}Looks like you voted already in this survey. You can vote only once."; $lang['surveyvotedwrong'] = "{0245}Sorry, something went wrong."; $lang['surveyvotedthankyouforvote'] = "{0246}Thank you for your vote!"; $lang['commentispinned'] = "{0247}This comment was pinned to be always visible."; $lang['alertpopuptitle'] = "{0248}Notifications"; $lang['alertpopupintro'] = "{0249}Inform via email"; $lang['alertpopupmoredetails'] = "{0250}More details"; $lang['alertpopupdetails'] = "{0251}"; $lang['alertpopupplaceholder'] = "{0252}e.g. g.smith@test.com"; $lang['notificationadded'] = "{0253}Notification updated. If this email address was not confirmed before, you have received an email which you have to confirm."; $lang['notificationfailed'] = "{0254}Adding the notification failed; please try again."; $lang['alertpopupsubmit'] = "{0255}Update"; $lang['alertpopupconfirmedemail'] = "{0256}Email confirmed:"; $lang['alertpopupnotconfirmedemail'] = "{0257}This email was not yet confirmed:"; $lang['alertpopupconfirmedemaillookup'] = "{0258}Please confirm within the email, or enter you email address again."; $lang['alertemailremoved'] = "{0259}Notification email was removed for the configured device."; $lang['alertemailnotremoved'] = "{0260}Notification email was not removed for the configured device; technical error!"; $lang['alertemailreallyremove'] = "{0261}Really delete the notification email?"; $lang['alertemailreallyremovedetail'] = "{0262}The notification email for this device will be removed; you will not receive notification emails anymore for active chats stored on this device.
It can be added again anytime."; $lang['alertemailremovemouseover'] = "{0262}Remove notification email for this device"; $lang['alertemailconfirmedok'] = "{0263}Thank you! Your email address is confirmed. You will from now on receive emails when there are new comments in your chats.
You can close this browser tab now."; $lang['alertemailconfirmednotok'] = "{0264}Sorry, something went wrong. Please try again."; $lang['alertemailconfirmsetupsubject'] = "{0265}c99.chat: Notifications - Your action is required"; $lang['alertemailconfirmsetupmsg1'] = "{0266}Someone (hopefully you) has requested to be informed via email about new comments in chats at c99.chat. If this wasn't you, please ignore this email."; $lang['alertemailconfirmsetupmsg2'] = "{0267}Please click here to confirm this email address:"; $lang['admin_commentintro'] = "{0267}This description is visible only to you, and to noone else."; $lang['admin_commentyourcomment'] = "{0268}Your description?"; $lang['admin_commentsave'] = "{0269}Save"; $lang['commentaddedfail'] = "{0270}Sorry, something went wrong. Please try again."; $lang['commentaddedok'] = "{0271}Description updated."; $lang['thischathascommentchangeit'] = "{0272}(Go to the Admin and click on the chat ID to change this description)"; $lang['translateactivechat'] = "{0273}Translate active chat:"; $lang['additionalactionslinktitle'] = "{0274}Additional features for this chat"; $lang['additionalactionstranslationtitle'] = "{0275}Automatic translation"; $lang['additionalactionstranslationchangesubmit'] = "{0276}Change"; $lang['autotranslationchangedok'] = "{0277}Settings changed"; $lang['autotranslationchangedfail'] = "{0278}Settings change failed - please try again!"; $lang['autotranslationchoosetarget'] = "{0279}Translate to which language?"; $lang['autotranslationtranslation'] = "{0280}Translation"; $lang['autotranslationintro'] = "{0281}Unencrypted chats will be translated automatically."; $lang['additionalactionsextendstoragetitle'] = "{0282}Storage duration"; $lang['additionalactionsactivate'] = "{0283}Activate"; $lang['extendstorageintro'] = "{0284}Uploaded files will be stored for four weeks."; $lang['extendedstorageduration'] = "{0285}Duration"; $lang['transsuccess'] = "{0286}Payment for automatic translation was accepted. As soon as payment has arrived (depends on payments means, mostly immediately), choose the target language in the settings."; $lang['transfail'] = "{0287}Payment for automatic translation was NOT successful. Please try again or contact me."; $lang['transthischatencrypted'] = "{0288}This chat is encrypted, therefore auto translation cannot be enabled."; $lang['transusedtranslationcontingent'] = "{0289}Used translation contingent:"; $lang['transusedtranslationcontingentcontact'] = "{0289}Contact me to increase this."; $lang['translationquotaexceeded'] = "{0290}Translation quota exceeded"; $lang['translationmoreinfo'] = "{0291}More informationThis is a paid feature. You will enable automatic translation for this chat (for every participant).
Translation uses a Google Cloud service. Therefore automatic translation only works for unencrypted chats, not for surveys and only up to a certain number of characters (30.000 - this corresponds to the text amount of a small novel). The chat participants can choose their own target language, but note that translation counts for each target language.
Supported languages are English, Arabic, Chinese,French, German, Indonesian, Italian, Japanese, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Ukrainian."; $lang['storagesuccess'] = "{0292}Payment for storage duration extension was accepted. As soon as payment has arrived (depends on payments means, mostly immediately), this is effective."; $lang['storagefail'] = "{0293}Payment for storage duration extension was NOT successful. Please try again or contact me."; $lang['storagedurationmoreinfo'] = "{0294}More informationThis is a paid feature. You will extend the storage duration of uploaded files to four weeks (valid for every participant).
After four weeks, files will be deleted automatically. Contact me if you need longer storage periods."; $lang['additionalactionsincreasefilesizetitle'] = "{0295}File size"; $lang['filesizeintro'] = "{0296}Uploaded files can be up to 16 MB in size, not only 4 MB."; $lang['notranslation'] = "{0297}None"; $lang['filesizemoreinfo'] = "{0298}More informationThis is a paid feature. You will extend the maximum file size of uploaded files to 16 Megabyte (valid for every participant). Note that uploaded images will be scaled down before upload anyway. Contact me if you need larger file sizes."; $lang['filesizesuccess'] = "{0299}Payment for increased file size was accepted. As soon as payment has arrived (depends on payments means, mostly immediately), this is effective."; $lang['filesizefail'] = "{0300}Payment for increased file size was NOT successful. Please try again or contact me."; $lang['enterchattosetlanguagetitle'] = "{0301}Translation settings"; $lang['enterchattosetlanguage'] = "{0302}Enter a chat and click on to switch on the automatic translation and the translation target language."; $lang['additionalactionsfullexporttitle'] = "{0303}Chat Export"; $lang['fullexportintro'] = "{0304}The chat will be fully exported, not only the first ten comments."; $lang['fullexportmoreinfo'] = "{0305}More informationThis is a paid feature. You can extend the export of this chat (via the share-icon) to a full export. Note that surveys, uploaded files and images are not exported."; $lang['fullexportsuccess'] = "{0306}Payment for full export was accepted. As soon as payment has arrived (depends on payments means, mostly immediately), this is effective."; $lang['fullexportfail'] = "{0307}Payment for full export was NOT successful. Please try again or contact me."; $lang['additionalactionsfullexportsubmit'] = "{0308}Change"; $lang['resetprivacytitle'] = "{0309}Delete all cookies from this device"; $lang['resetprivacypopuptitle'] = "{0310}Reset this device"; $lang['resetprivacypopuptext'] = "{0311}If you click on OKAY now, all cookies from c99.chat will be removed from this device. This means that your list of chats including encrypted PINs and passwords will permanently be deleted from this device. After that you can access your chats only if you stored their addresses elsewhere, e.g. in a bookmark.
You should use this functionality only on public devices.

ARE YOU SURE?"; $lang['statisticsicontitle'] = "{0312}Statistics"; $lang['statisticsmodaltitle'] = "{0313}Statistics"; $lang['statisticsmodaltotalcomments'] = "{0314}Total comments:"; $lang['statisticsmodaltotaldevices'] = "{0315}Users/devices:"; $lang['statisticsmodaldate'] = "{0316}Date"; $lang['statisticsmodalcomments'] = "{0317}Comments/Day"; $lang['statisticsmodaldevices'] = "{0318}Hits/User"; $lang['statisticsmodalchannel'] = "{0319}Hits/Channel"; $lang['statisticsmodaldesktop'] = "{0320}Desktop"; $lang['statisticsmodalmobile'] = "{0321}Mobile"; $lang['statisticsmodalcommentschannel'] = "{0322}Comments/channel:"; $lang['statisticsmodalintro'] = "{0323}These statistics are updated upon each browser-refresh."; $lang['statisticsmodalintromoredetailssummary'] = "{0324}More info"; $lang['statisticsmodalintromoredetailsdetails'] = "{0325}This shows:"; $lang['w3wpopuptitle'] = "{0326}Address"; $lang['w3wpopupdetails'] = "{0327}This is a location. The first line may describe the rough address. Below it you see the What3Words Address: These three words define a unique 3x3 meter square anywhere in the world. Click on it to see a map.
Click on the Google Maps icon to open a respective map in Google Maps."; $lang['getlocback'] = "{0328}Back to chat"; $lang['getloctitle'] = "{0329}Add your location"; $lang['getlocexplanationsummary'] = "{0330}Add your current location to the chat. Your browser may ask you for access to it."; $lang['getlocexplanationdetails'] = "{0331}This will add your current location to the chat. It will be displayed as (a rough) address with a link to display it on a map.
You can manually drag the red location pin on the map to a different location. Note that some browsers will complain (especially Chrome on Android devices) if you have an 'overlay' App active, such as the volume App Knobby or similar. In that case location will only be granted if no overlay App is active (on your Android device, go to 'Settings' - 'Apps', choose the respective overlay App and enter its 'App-Info'. The actual setting which you have to deselect is called 'Display on top of other apps' or 'Display at start' or similar - this depends on the phone)."; $lang['getlocsubmit'] = "{0332}Submit this position"; $lang['locationpuptitle'] = "{0333}Add your location"; $lang['locationpupdetails'] = "{0334}Add your current location to the chat. Your browser may ask you to confirm that the location can be passed to c99.chat."; $lang['getlocfail'] = "{0335}The geolocation service failed. Did you allow your browser to access it? You can reset your browser permissions by clicking on the icons next to the URL."; $lang['getlocnotsupported'] = "{0336}Sorry, but your browser doesn't support geolocation. Please click on 'Back to chat'."; $lang['requestpaymentmodalpaypalplaceholder'] = "{0337}Paypal"; $lang['requestpaymentmodalrevolutplaceholder'] = "{0338}Revolut"; $lang['requestpaymentmodaldetails'] = "{0339}You can post a payment method to this chat."; $lang['requestpaymentmodalneededbecause'] = "{0340}
More info...If you want to request a payment from the chat participants, add your payment methods here. Also choose if these shall be saved in a cookie on this device so you don't need to enter them next time - if you uncheck this, a previously stored cookie with this data will be removed. Uncheck an entry if you don't want to post it.
"; $lang['requestpaymentmodalpaymentsave'] = "{0341}Save this informationen in a cookie?"; $lang['requestpaymentmodalpost'] = "{0342}Post"; $lang['requestpaymentmodalopen'] = "{0343}Paym. methods"; $lang['requestpaymentdisplaypayto'] = "{0344}Pay to"; $lang['requestpaymentmodalpaypalyourname'] = "{0345}Your Paypal-name?"; $lang['requestpaymentmodalrevolutyourname'] = "{0346}Your Revolut-name?"; $lang['requestpaymentmodalpostthis'] = "{0347}Post?"; $lang['enterwhiteboard'] = "{0348}Click to enter whiteboard"; $lang['whiteboardtitle'] = "{0349}Whiteboard"; $lang['whiteboarddetails'] = "{0350}This will create a link to a whiteboard (provided by witeboard.com) where the chat participants can draw."; $lang['admin_moderatethischatbutton'] = "{0351}Moderate"; $lang['chatmoderated'] = "{0352}This chat is moderated. Reset this in the administration with a valid PIN."; $lang['chatunmoderated'] = "{0353}This chat is un-moderated. Change this in the administration with a valid PIN."; $lang['chatlockmoderate'] = "{0354}
Moderate or lock chatYou can turn this chat into a moderated chat (paid feature, see ): Each new comment needs to be approved by someone with a valid PIN (e.g. you). Unapproved comments are not visible to others.
You can lock this chat completely; new comments are not possible anymore.
"; $lang['chatmoderateapprove'] = "{0355}Approve this comment"; $lang['chatmoderateunapprove'] = "{0356}Reset this comment to not approved"; $lang['chatmoderateintroadmin'] = "{0357}This chat is moderated. Approve waiting comments with - reset with ."; $lang['chatmoderateintronoadmin'] = "{0358}This chat is moderated. You will see your own comments (waiting for approval, marked ), and all approved comments."; $lang['thischatismoderated'] = "{0359}This chat is moderated."; $lang['admin_enterfuturechiffre'] = "{0360}Enter the new password to be used to encrypt this chat:"; $lang['alertpopupemailneeded'] = "{0361}Enter an email address first and confirm it."; $lang['admin_lockunlockthischatetail'] = "{0362}You can lock this chat; then new comments are not possible anymore. You can always unlock the chat again."; $lang['admin_moderatethischatetail'] = "{0363}You can set this chat to moderated. New comments need to be approved by someone with a valid PIN (e.g. you). Unapproved comments are not visible for others. You can reset the chat to un-moderated anytime."; $lang['additionalactionsmoderatechat'] = "{0364}Chat moderation"; $lang['moderatechatintro'] = "{0365}This chat can be moderated (can be switched on in the administration)."; $lang['moderatemoreinfo'] = "{0366}More infoThis is a paid feature. You will then be able to switch on moderation of this chat - then comments need to be explicitly approved by someone with a valid PIN."; $lang['moderatesuccess'] = "{0367}Payment for chat moderation was accepted. As soon as payment has arrived (depends on payments means, mostly immediately), you can switch on moderation for this chat in the administration."; $lang['moderatefail'] = "{0368}Payment for chat moderation was NOT successful. Please try again or contact me."; $lang['help_knownissues'] = "{0369}Known issues"; $lang['help_knownissuesdetails'] = "{0370}The following issues and problems are known and (hopefully) will be solved soon:"; $lang['areyouonline'] = "{0371}Are you online? Connection seems broken."; $lang['help_formatting_a_text_detailinline_w3w'] = "{0372}///What3Words"; $lang['additionalactionsintro'] = "{0373}
You can add additional features here.These are paid features. The feature will be available for this chat. Payment is processed via an external payment provider (Stripe); no payment data is passed through c99.chat.
"; $lang['additionalactionspopuptitle'] = "{0374}Features"; $lang['autotranslationchoosetargetforyou'] = "{0375}Your target language?
['None'] to switch off."; $lang['autotranslationpercentageused'] = "{0376}used"; $lang['admin_moderatethischatetailextend'] = "{0377}This feature is not activated for this chat. Click on the shopping cart icon to activate it."; $lang['playconnect4'] = "{0378}Connect4!"; $lang['connect4_player'] = "{0379}Player"; $lang['connect4_intro'] = "{0380}"; $lang['connect4_youareplayer'] = "{0381}You are Player"; $lang['connect4_gobacktochat'] = "{0382}Back to chat"; $lang['connect4_waitingfor'] = "{0383}Waiting for partner"; $lang['connect4_yourturn'] = "{0384}Your turn"; $lang['connect4_gameended'] = "{0385}Winner is Player"; $lang['connect4_youwon'] = "{0386}You won!"; $lang['connect4_youlost'] = "{0387}You lost!"; $lang['connect4_notyourturn'] = "{0388}Not your turn. Please wait!"; $lang['thischatismoderatedwaitingforapproval'] = "{0389}This comments awaits approval."; $lang['connect4_introtitle'] = "{0390}Rules & Credits"; $lang['gamesmodaltitle'] = "{0391}Games"; $lang['gamesmodalintro'] = "{0392}We have some games which you can play with your chat partners."; $lang['gamesmodaldetails4c'] = "{0393}There will be an entry in the chat for two players - allocation is random. Click on the respective player names.
This game is based on code of Juan Bouquet."; $lang['gamesmodalplaynow'] = "{0394}Play now"; $lang['playchess'] = "{0395}Chess"; $lang['gamesmodaldetailschess'] = "{0396}There will be an entry in the chat. The allocation of white/black is random. Click on 'New game' to start afresh, or click on the status button to continue an existing game. The board will refresh after each move; please take care whose turn it is!
Only one chess game is possible in one chat.
You can lock the 'scrolling' of the underlying page with the switch on the chessboard in case it disturbs you.
This game is based on code of Greg Wilson; see also here."; $lang['playchesswhite'] = "{0397}white"; $lang['playchessblack'] = "{0398}black"; $lang['playchessplays'] = "{0399}plays"; $lang['playchessnewgame'] = "{0400}New game"; $lang['playchessnewgamereally'] = "{0401}Really start a new game?"; $lang['playchessnewgamereallydetails'] = "{0402}You start with a fresh board."; $lang['playchesswhitetomove'] = "{0403}White to move"; $lang['playchessblacktomove'] = "{0404}Black to move"; $lang['privateresponse'] = "{0405}Private Response"; $lang['help_games'] = "{0406}Why games?"; $lang['help_gamesdetail'] = "{0407}I have incorporated some very simple games suitable for a multi-player (i.e. multi-chat) environment. Click on the gamepad icon visible after opening the double arrow. A certain fairness is required from you and your chat partner, e.g. in Chess everyone in the chat can effectively make the moves. This is for fun only."; $lang['migratemodaltitle'] = "{0408}Backup / Migration"; $lang['migratemodaldetails'] = "{0409}You can save the chats stored on this device and migrate them to another devide. For this, you need to move the 'machine id' of this device to the new device.
Click the button to create a PDF with an overview and instructions.
Note: Anyone with access to this PDF can view and change your chats! There may not be any existing chats on the target (new) device; access to those will be overwritten.
To migrate individual chats to a new device, use the Share-icon."; $lang['migrateprintyes'] = "{0410}Yes"; $lang['migrateprintno'] = "{0411}No"; $lang['migrateprintcareful'] = "{0412}Note:There may not be any existing chats on the target (new) device; access to those will be overwritten.
If a chat is encrypted, you need to note down the password manually - these passwords are not stored on c99.chat!

Store this document in a safe place!"; $lang['migrateprintintro'] = "{0413}This PDF contains all information needed to access chats which are stored on the device with the machine ID mentioned above. Anyone with access to this information can access and maintain the chats. Scan the QR code with the new device, or enter the following URL on that device:"; $lang['migrateprinttableheaderlastaccess'] = "{0414}Last comment"; $lang['migrateprinttableheaderid'] = "{0415}Chat ID"; $lang['migrateprinttableheadername'] = "{0416}Chat Name"; $lang['migrateprinttableheadercomment'] = "{0417}Chat Comment"; $lang['migrateprinttableheaderpin'] = "{0418}Chat PIN"; $lang['migrateprinttableheaderencrypted'] = "{0419}Encrypted?"; $lang['migrateprinttableheadermoderated'] = "{0420}Moderated?"; $lang['migrateprinttableheaderarchived'] = "{0421}Archived?"; $lang['migrateprintmachineid'] = "{0422}Machine-ID:"; $lang['migrateprintexport'] = "{0423}Exported:"; $lang['domigrateintro'] = "{0424}You will store the chats on this device which originate from the device with the machine id:"; $lang['domigratecareful'] = "{0425}Careful: There are already chats stored on this device! Do you really want to continue?"; $lang['domigratecontinueonly'] = "{0426}Continue only if these chats are not needed anymore or you have saved their IDs (and PINs, if applicable) elsewhere. The machine ID of this device is:"; $lang['domigrategotolist'] = "{0427}Go to the list of chats to see the chats stored on this device!"; $lang['domigratemigratebutton'] = "{0428}Migrate chats to this device"; $lang['domigratemigratebuttoncancel'] = "{0429}Cancel"; $lang['domigratemigrationdone'] = "{0430}Migration done"; $lang['help_developer'] = "{0431}For developers"; $lang['help_developerdetails'] = "{0432}iframe-Mode
c99.chat offers a special iframe-mode to run an existing chat in an iframe on your website. This offers an easy chat function for your site.
You need to call the respective chat with the additional parameter 'embedded=1' in the URL, e.g. like this: https://c99.chat/main.php?lang=en&id=62BEDA69JYL1DLJ5ZMRNQ8CURE8DUKHT&embedded=1. The entire iframe snippet could look like this:
<iframe src=\"https://c99.chat/main.php?lang=en&id=62BEDA69JYL1DLJ5ZMRNQ8CURE8DUKHT&embedded=1\" frameborder=\"0\" scrolling=\"YES\" allowtransparency=\"true\" sandbox=\"allow-same-origin allow-scripts allow-popups allow-popups-to-escape-sandbox\" style=\"width: 380px; height: 400px\"></iframe>

In case of problems please send me an email.

API access
c99.chat offers a very simple API to add new comments to an existing chat, e.g. from another website, from a smart home application or similar. Just call https://c99.chat/doadd.php with the parameters 'id' (of the chat), 'name' (of the author, can be anything) and 'text' (as the actual comment to be added). These can be transferred as GET or POST requests, so the following call will add the comment 'New entry' to the chat with ID 62BEDA69JYL1DLJ5ZMRNQ8CURE8DUKHT:

"; $lang['see_statement_here_short'] = "{0433}Data privacy"; $lang['playsoundpopupintro'] = "{0434}Play sound on new message"; $lang['playsoundpopupmoredetails'] = "{0435}More info"; $lang['playsoundpopupdetails'] = "{0436}When you have an open chat, each new comment will trigger a short notification sound. Use this for example when a chat is running on an unattended device. Note that comments will not be updated automatically when the chat window is not active (i.e. not in the foreground of the browser).
Careful, this does not work on iPhones and some browsers, as these prohibit playing a sound without user interaction.
Additionally the screen will flash briefly when a new comment arrives."; $lang['indexcreate'] = "{0437}Create a unique, unguessable, anonymous ad-hoc chat page only for you and selected people. No registration, no costs, no installation. Works anywhere."; $lang['indexmoreinfo'] = "{0438}More Info"; $lang['indexexample'] = "{0439}Example"; $lang['indexletsstart'] = "{0440}Your chats"; $lang['indexwhydoineedthis'] = "{0441}Why do you need this?"; $lang['indexc99means'] = "{0442}C99.chat means fast, uncomplicated Instant Chats."; $lang['indexc99usecase1'] = "{0443}You want to communicate in a larger group, e.g. at a conference or in a group where you don't know each person's telephone number / email address? Create a chat and show the QR code."; $lang['indexc99usecase2'] = "{0444}You are on the phone with someone and want to share complex information or a file? Create a chat and invite that person to it with a temporary code."; $lang['indexc99usecase3'] = "{0445}You meet someone on the street, in a bar, ... and want to be reachable, but don't want to hand out your private phone number / email address? Create a chat and show its QR code."; $lang['indexc99usecase4'] = "{0446}You plan an event with several people and need a communication mechanism, even with surveys? Create a chat and share its QR code, maybe even as printout."; $lang['indexc99usecase5'] = "{0447}You communicate with someone and you have no common language, e.g. with a taxi driver in a foreign country? Create a chat, switch on the auto-translation feature and show its QR code to him/her."; $lang['indexc99usecase6'] = "{0448}You need a feedback channel for your customers? Create a chat, switch on the moderation feature, publish the QR Code and answer to the comment author individually. You can even be informed on new comments with a notification sound"; $lang['indexc99usecase7'] = "{0449}You want to keep control on the chat entries? Create a chat, switch on the moderation feature and approve the individual comments."; $lang['indexc99usecase8'] = "{0450}You want to share a drawing with someone, maybe play a game? Create a chat, show its QR code to him/her and create a common whiteboard."; $lang['indexc99usecase9'] = "{0451}You want to embed a chat into your own website? Create a chat and call it within an iframe."; $lang['indexc99usecase10'] = "... and much more ..."; $lang['indexwhynot'] = "{0452}Why not use WhatsApp / signal / Threema / Telegram / ... for this? Because with c99.chat neither you nor the other participants need a common App.
Everyone remains totally anonymous, and you do not have to identify other participants via their phone number / email address and run through a complicated onboarding process."; $lang['indexdoyouhaveatempcode'] = "{0453}Do you have a temporary code?"; $lang['indexnumber1'] = "{0454}Number 1"; $lang['indexnumber2'] = "{0455}Number 2"; $lang['indexnumber3'] = "{0456}Number 3"; $lang['indexnumber4'] = "{0457}Number 4"; $lang['indexnumber5'] = "{0458}Number 5"; $lang['indexnumber6'] = "{0459}Number 6"; $lang['indexenterchat'] = "{0460}Enter chat"; $lang['indexonlynecessarycookies'] = "{0461}We use (only necessary, no marketing) cookies, and files from Content Delivery Networks. By continuing to visit this site you agree to our use of cookies."; $lang['webpushintro'] = "{0462}Inform via Web Push"; $lang['webpushmoredetails'] = "{0463}More details"; $lang['webpushdetails'] = "{0464}"; $lang['indexdoyouhaveatempcodeclickhere'] = "{0465}Enter it here"; $lang['chesslockscroll'] = "{0466}Lock scrolling of chat window underneath the chess board"; $lang['surveyreloadpagereload'] = "{0467}Reload page"; $lang['surveyreloadpageresult'] = "{0468}to view results."; $lang['indexcreatechatimmediately'] = "{0469}Create new chat immediately and show QR code"; $lang['indexlistofchats'] = "{0470}Existing chats"; $lang['indexcreatenew'] = "{0471}Create new"; $lang['indexchooseaction'] = "{0472}Choose"; $lang['uploadpicture1'] = "{4073}Upload picture"; $lang['uploadpicture2'] = "{0474}

Upload a picture here, which will be displayed as your avatar. It should not be too large, and it must be a jpg image. Choose an image with less than 800 pixels width.

"; $lang['uploadpicture3'] = "{0475}Picture:"; $lang['uploadpicture4'] = "{0476}Upload"; $lang['uploadpicture5'] = "{0477}Crop"; $lang['uploadpicture6'] = "{0478}Image saved"; $lang['uploadpicture7'] = "{0479}Close"; $lang['uploadpicture8'] = "{0480}Only jpg images are possible. This is not an image of type jpg. Please choose another image."; $lang['avatarmodaltitle'] = "{0481}Your avatar"; $lang['avatarmodaldetails'] = "{0482}You can upload a picture which shall represent you in a chat. If you rotate it, you and others may have to reload the page to clear the old image from the cache."; $lang['avatarmodalchangepic'] = "{0483}Change"; $lang['avatarmodalnopicdefined'] = "{0484}(No avatar defined)"; $lang['avatarmodaldeletepic'] = "{0485}Delete"; $lang['avatarmodalReally_delete'] = "{0486}Really delete?"; $lang['avatarmodalDeleteDetail'] = "{0487}This avatar will be deleted. Your comments remain unchanged. You can also add an avatar image again."; $lang['avatarimageok'] = "{0488}Avatar image uploaded and stored"; $lang['avatarimagefailure'] = "{0489}Could not create Avatar image; please try again."; $lang['avatarimagedeleted'] = "{0490}Avatar image deleted. You can always upload an image again."; $lang['No_chats_on_devicedefinename'] = "{0491}State your (or any) name first to create a chat."; $lang['No_chats_on_deviceclickplus'] = "{0492}Click on the plus-icon to create or join a chat."; $lang['displayfilesinthischat'] = "{0493}Show files in this chat"; $lang['uploadedfilesinthischat'] = "{0494}Files"; $lang['uploadedfilesinthischatdetails'] = "{0495}This is a list of all uploaded files in this chat. Refresh the page to view the latest entries."; $lang['uploadedfilesinthischatnone'] = "{0496}(No files were uploaded to this chat.)"; $lang['No_unarchived_chats_on_device'] = "{0497}No un-archived chats stored on this device. You have archived chats; click on the eye-icon to see them."; $lang['Save_chat_on_device_immediately'] = "{0498}Chat was created."; $lang['chessgame_refresh'] = "{0499}Refresh"; $lang['chessgame_lastmove'] = "{0500}Last move by"; $lang['moderatedchat_viewnormal'] = "{0501}View as normal user"; $lang['moderatedchat_viewadmin'] = "{0502}View as administrator"; $lang['help_evenmore'] = "{0503}Even more"; $lang['help_technicalblurb'] = "{0504}Click here to read more details on the technology behind this site."; $lang['exportchat_restricted'] = "{0505}The export is restricted to at maximum 10 comments. To get a full export in case this chat has more comments, click on the shopping cart icon and enable the full export feature."; $lang['exportchat_file'] = "{0506}File/other"; $lang['indexwhydoineedthisclickhere'] = "{0507}Click here"; $lang['showfulllistofusers'] = "{0508}Click here to see full list of users in this chat. There are: "; $lang['searchshort'] = "{0509}Search"; $lang['searchlong'] = "{0510}Search for a comment through all chats. Note that encrypted chats will not return results. The search is case-insensitive."; $lang['searchexample'] = "{0511}e.g. Hello"; $lang['searchsearchingfor'] = "{0512}Searching for:"; $lang['searchgoback'] = "{0513}Back to chats"; $lang['searchmatchesinchats'] = "{0514}Matches in chats:"; $lang['searchmatchesinmeta'] = "{0515}Matches in meta data:"; $lang['searchnomatches'] = "{0516}No matches"; $lang['sharetheclosethispopup'] = "{0517}Then close this message."; $lang['shareshowpopupanytime'] = "{0518}(You can display this code anytime again.)"; $lang['audiouploadok'] = "{0519}Audio uploaded. It will be removed after 1 week, unless you have extended the storage duration."; $lang['addaudio'] = "{0520}Add an audio recording"; $lang['audiohelptext'] = "{0521}Click 'Start' to record, then 'Stop'. Please enable the microphone. No longer than about 10 minutes."; $lang['audiorecstart'] = "{0522}Start"; $lang['audiorecstop'] = "{0523}Stop"; $lang['audiouploadreally'] = "{0524}Upload this audio?"; $lang['audiouploaddetailstext'] = "{0525}Your audio recording will be uploaded to the chat."; $lang['audiouploaddoupload'] = "{0526}Upload"; $lang['audiouploaddocancel'] = "{0527}Cancel"; $lang['audiouploadtoolarge'] = "{0528}Audio is too large; please try again."; $lang['audiouploadrecording'] = "{0529}Recording..."; $lang['chatautotranslateexplain'] = "{0530}
Translate chatc99.chat can translate the comments in this chat automatically (paid feature, see ): Each comment will be translated into a language defined by you. Each participant in this chat can define his own target language.
"; $lang['Save_chat_on_deviceextended'] = "{0531}Save to share"; $lang['clickherefordetails'] = "{05032}C99.chat"; $lang['More_infoabout'] = "{0533}about"; $lang['More_infoaboutfooter'] = "{0534}About"; $lang['stateyournametocreatechat1'] = "{0535}State your (or any) name"; $lang['stateyournametocreatechat2'] = "{0536} to chat."; $lang['istyping'] = "{0537}is typing..."; $lang['hidesteganography1'] = "{0538}You can hide this unique chat ID within an image which you can send to someone or post somewhere. Use this external website (or google 'Steganography'). Encode this chat ID:"; $lang['hidesteganography2'] = "{0539}Your chat partners have to decode the image (via the same website) and enter the retrieved ID at c99.chat ('Plus'-icon)."; $lang['oror'] = "or"; $lang['admindeleteatdate1'] = "{0540}state a date when this chat will be automatically deleted."; $lang['admindeleteatdate2'] = "{0541}plan its deletion"; $lang['tempdeletemodaltitle'] = "{0542}Planned deletion"; $lang['tempdeletemodaldetails'] = "{0543}This feature allows to define a calendar date on which this chat will be deleted. This does not work yet; it will come soon.";